@#*&@$%^*@^% GRRRRRRHHHH!!! by Mark Alfred N. Soriano

7 07 2011

“Why would I make one?” I asked myself as I was seeing myself look like bulls*** staring at the blank screen of the computer, doing nothing for couple of hours already. I cannot compose my thoughts. There is nothing that comes into my mind regarding the asked requirement. And as I was thinking of what could I fill in in this blank page I came to wonder and ask myself. Why am I doing this? Why would I make one? Could I just don’t make it and do other things that would satisfy me instead? I played with some thoughts in my mind and it made me laugh, wonder, and realize.  Practically, this is a waste of time.

Given the chance, I would never indulge myself brainstorming for this paper. I would never ever make myself worry about this “impractical” requirement. Why care and make myself busy with these abstract things? This would not profit me happiness. I would not make good money in this. Making this would not guarantee me absolutely of a stable occupation someday. Just as i daydream always, I could have played computer, play basketball, scout for a white-collared job as early as of this my stage and do all the things I wanted to do. And by mere fact, I believe I am not good in this field. Pushing myself chokingly to do these things would just make me feel bad after realizing that after all l ain’t any good in these things. I would rather enjoy listening to discussions than making myself my own version one.

I don’t know. These things I see myself maybe just so true or maybe not also. I maybe just underestimated myself so much. Hope that you believe the other way around. Perhaps, getting high and consoling result in this paper would be appreciated by me heartily. For such, I would be more inspired and divert my self-image with the more positive one.

Well, anyway, we have discussed lately social contract in our political philosophy subject. And I deem to share my part in this we call the social contract. Social contract, a good concept of human society it is. A stunning reality we have behind what is obvious. Yes, I really mean stunning because it determines how our system goes which usually left unnoticeable for us. It is likely seeing what we don’t usually see. A system it is, should I call it more, a pattern. This is the dynamism of the human society. All of us are engaged unperceivably in social contract. This is, making ourselves like doing things we should do even when we don’t want to do it willingly because of certain demands we are into to make ourselves acceptable ,normal, or to be called “belongs to” in a group, society or in this world. This is, maybe, our lifetime prison cell. We are prisoners of this. Go to the mall and you have to make yourself fit into certain demands. You shop, you stroll, you make your line, and you pay. Though how you wanted to avail things you like freely, you still have to expense yourself. You have to bring out something. You go to school and you should meet certain demands also. You go in with your complete uniform which you find uncomfortable sometimes. You have to bring your books, your notebooks, writing materials and all the things you need. You have to attend the classes though sometimes you don’t feel to. Even how you wanted to be called successful and legible by not making it through schooling or any ways, you can’t get always what you wanted. You have to undergo what had been demanded by the nature of life you wanted to be. And these are, indeed, some of the social contracts we often meet in our lives. All you do is always under certain demands and scarcely would you see that what you get is exactly what you wanted. All the more, we are not absolutely “free”, literally.

Earlier I expressed my heartaches and my disappointments because of not having what I really wanted to do. By possibilities, hmmmm, I may do those but neither would the society see me acceptable and tolerable. So, somehow, there is nothing way out from it. Snub your part and you go your other way around sorrowfully. Neglect what you have to do and you go solo. Permit all your wants and you seem out-of-the-context. And so, what made me enter in this contract?

Dreamer as I am during childhood, I used to tell my parents that I wanted to become a pilot, a doctor, or like this or that. I wanted to be a professional someday and be also called successful as others are. “You study well first and be whoever you wanted to be,” they replied. And so I tried also my best to do well in school even though I bid more to play, sleep, watch tv, enjoy childhood friends and exhaust my childhood years as truly a child. I go to school completing attendances and doing all the obligations as a student. I make homeworks, projects and study. I continued and bore early fruits in my academic journey throughout the years. And here now I come upon the realization of myself soaked in the pool of the social contract. After all those things I have done on my life, I could even say that half of it was not really a fully willed intention by mine. It was rather out of obligation, out of compliance and out of living an ought-to-be-life. And by which I clearly see my being soaked in the pool of social contract. I go to school that I may be successful someday. I study and do all the obligations I have to do in school that I may maintain my status as a good student towards being successful someday. I do comply this paper because I need to in order not to fail and to be still in the right path towards my dreams. I have to do all these things, even though sometimes I opt in my mind not to do, because I am called to do so by this social contract. And this is life.

At times I wonder how or when I would be free from this burden of mine. And I smirked when I foolishly thought of ending what have had started all this cycle; life. But surely that is not the way. I pondered, when almost all the things I have done was not really what I wanted, then how was I able to get out into and stand out still amidst those barricades? And all I had mind in mind was because “I learned to love this.”  This, I think is where and when we could have a deep sigh amidst the pool, when we learn to love what we are doing. And by mere fact, loving this would make you enjoy what you are doing and maximize all what you can do. And it makes you free; free of worries, free or burden, free of problem and free of having a doubt in your life. I, at once, see making this paper as a burden but because I learned loving this I end myself up enjoying this and seeing this worthwhile. Anyways, doing this would not kill me and would even make me stronger. Getting unto this social contract means no harm entirely as it is, but in fact by some points, giving me and you some merits.

I started this up intrigued and burden but then ended up with a smile and sigh of realization of another points of how wondrous life is. Now this is it. This is life and this is how it moves. Knowing this makes me, at all, to be thankful that I met my brilliant professor and this wonderful subject because after all, I learned not only concepts and the personalities behind it but all the more I learned how to love and appreciate how wonderful life is. Indeed, I am truly blessed.




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